Our Staff

Leadership Team
Leslie Tilbrook
Deputy Principal - Operations
Steve Kimber
Deputy Principal - Wellbeing
Tammy Hawkins
Business Manager
Sean Loader
Human Resources Manager
Brenda Willshire
Director of Boarding
Dr Rob McArthur
Marketing and Communications
Jill Jansons
Pastoral Care
Head of Students
Tammy Hawkins
Head of Flynn House
Michelle Fleming
Head of Griffiths House
Alex Pollitt
Head of McKay House
Roxanne Egan
Head of Partridge House
Jake Akmens
Head of Rolland House
Jenni Frank
Head of Topsy Smith House
Anna Dohler
Boarding House
Director of Boarding
Dr Rob McArthur
Janine Cooper
Yvette Valentine

To get to know all other staff members please view our Who To See For What 2024 guide.